Club and Mentoring Program
Our mentoring club meets one Saturday per month during the school year when we get to re-unite with the children who came to camp. This will be our 13th year of Royal Family Kids Club! It is a special time of reconnecting us to our amazing week of camp with memories, songs, games, crafts, fun activities, Bible story timeand skits. We also share breakfast, snacks and lunch together. Definitely a favorite part!
For this mission, Faith is required to believe that God will bless the time and love we invest, but in HIS time and for HIS glory! All of our amazing volunteers have seen how these relationships really do heal broken lives. They have given their love, time, money and effort to extend a helping hand to what the Bible refers to as “orphans” in James 1:27, to the “least of these” in Matthew 25:40 and to “bind up the brokenhearted” in Isaiah 61:1, to “give hope and a future” in Jeremiah 29:11 just to mention a few! But our faith in these scriptures IS OUR motivation to
do all the hard work necessary on behalf of the children we serve.
"We appreciate all you guys do to pour truth and love into their hearts." - Parent of a camper